The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

In 2020 SunnyBoy was embedded on a production the scale of which has never been seen on television - Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. New Zealand was one of the few countries forging ahead into the unknown during the pandemic, and for over 300 days on set we joined forces with filmmakers from around the world to document the making of a show over five years in the making. We traveled the country leaving no Harfoot cart or Orc trench unexplored, working closely with artisans crafting J.R.R. Tolkien’s second age; listening to their stories and shining a light on their processes. We have had the honor of working closely with Amazon since wrapping season 1 to craft cinematic content that will transport audiences to Middle Earth - a beloved world which has inspired countless generations.


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